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Searching for a Results-Oriented, Transformational Speaker to help your audience buy into your VISION or develop their own?  In need of practical, achievable wellness information to enhance the lives of your audience so that they can detox, increase their energy, and create a lifestyle of wellness?  Get ready for Transformational Speaker, Dr.Toni Hatton, Your Vision & Mindset Expert! 

Click Here To  Shift Your Audience From Sight to Vision!


Have you ever read books, listened to CD's, attended seminar after seminar, gathered all of the information that you think that you need, and still haven't applied it? Are you tired of going around in circles and self-sabotaging your own efforts? Do you lack the motivation necessary to be consistent? You can accomplish more in 5 days with mentoring and support than you can in 5 years, trying to manifest your vision alone!

Click Here If You're Ready to Get Real Results!

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  Dr. Toni Hatton Pouring Tea Answering Questions

When you've mustered up the courage to take the leap, the comfort zone gets stirred up & we've got tools to overcome those barriers so that you can't be stopped! But wait... Let's go deeper! When you shine your light with someone who's also shinning their light, the environment gets brighter, the perception is more clear, and solutions are more visible! The Attractive Thinker has partnered with The Visual Encourager to shine the light brighter for new & aspiring entrepreneurs around the globe! Here at The Attractive Thinker, we are expanding our reach so that more Attractive Thinkers are aware of the mental tools that support mental health, mental strength, and mindset maintenance

Click Here to Discover How to Stay Mentally Strong While Living Beyond the Break!


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Dr. Toni, What Was The Reason That You Went into Business For Yourself and How Did The Phrase "The Atractive Thinker" Originate?

Response: All of my life I felt like I was supposed to be doing great things and that my life was supposed to make a difference! It wasn't that someone told me this, it was just this presence that I had, this knowing that I couldn't explain. I was created with the gift of vision and perception and I didn't know what it was. All I knew was that people continued to come to me asking for guidance. Some of them I knew and alot of them I didn't know. I had encountered some really tough challenges at a very young age and I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to do great things when I kept encountering things that weren't so great! Weeks, months, and years would go by and I realized that I was walking through all kinds of obstacles! I knew then that there was a specific purpose for my life and I was determined to find out what it was. I stopped taking my life personal and understood that it was preparation for something that I was unaware of at the time! I'd decided to examine my experiences more deeply, to discover their reason, find something that I could learn from and use, and to make them count. I realized that I was being prepared to support, motivate, and encourage others while on their own transformational journey! What I didn't know was that as a result of showing my son how to see without eyes, I'd also been prepared to show people with eyes how to see! ... how to properly see in life! My life's work is to assist you with seeing beyond what you are looking at so that you can create something other than what you see right now! My book, Don't Be Afraid: He's Preparing You! is my way of giving back what wasn't given to me. This book has taken on a life of its own and now I'm following its lead. It has shifted the perception of and encouraged, motivated, and inspired so many readers! After seeing its transformational power, I decided to serve my gifts/experiences to those assigned to my voice, in a BIGGER way! I'm not assigned to everyone, but I am confident that I am assigned to someone! My purpose is to EXHALE every gift that I've been given, into the earth. It was given to me, but it wasn't just for me. It was also for YOU!

One day, as I was driving along the highway I found myself in deep thought. I asked myself, "What attracts one person to another?" Another thought came to me, "It's the way a person thinks!" Wow! I began to think about different settings where people gather. If you've attended an event like a wedding or a house warming, you immediately marvel at how beautifully decorated it is. If you're in need of those services, you say, "Who did these decorations? I must meet them!" Now, you really don't even know the person. You are captivated with the way that person thinks! When you looked at those decorations, you saw the thoughts that were in their head while they were preparing for the event. You like the way they think! What attracts one person to another? It's the way they think! Now some might say, "What attracts me to a person is the way that they look." But, after you begin to talk to that person, you then determine if you like the way they think, by the way they talk! Yes, we all have encountered alot of attractive people, but are their thoughts attractive? Are you mezmorized by the conversation? Do they add value to your life when they speak? Are you motivated or inspired when you leave their presence? If so, then you've encountered a TRUE Attractive Thinker!


Question: Dr.Toni, Who Specifically Were You Sent Here To Serve?

Response: "I'm Sent Here to Serve Driven, Purpose-Filled, Determined, New/Aspiring, & Current Enterpreneurs who..."

  • have held onto the dreams in your heart for years, due to lack of support and clarity!
  • struggle with fear, self-sabotage, feelings of unworthiness, excuses, and lack of direction!
  • struggle to believe that they can really create the life that their heart truly desires!
  • have all of the information that they need to implement their plan, yet they feel overwhelmed with all that there is to get done!
  • consciously believe that they can carve a new generational path, yet they subconsciously deal with negative self-talk, doubt, and unbelief!
  • are afraid to play a bigger game in their life!
  • are done with the routine, boring, mediocre life that no longer serves them!
  • have a book idea or a business idea, yet not sure how to pull it all together!
  • know that something has to change, yet they're not sure what or how to change it!
  • have ever wondered how they're going to make it, how to serve their gifts to the world, how to see beyond their current surroundings, where to start to organize their goals, or how to focus and stop procrastinating!
  • know that they can be healthy, energetic, and release that excessive weight, but they need support!
  • would like to create healthier eating habits, yet they're not sure how to create healthier meals!
  • are in tune with their heart, and it's leading them in a direction that opposes their logic!
  • feel stagnant, emotionally checked-out, and tired of watching life pass them by!
  • are tired of missing opportunities and they refuse to allow this year to be a carbon copy of last year!
  • desire to be FREE, yet are afraid to change!
  • feel as though they are suffocating on the inside and life appears to be a task-driven checklist!
  • would like to increase their energy naturally and rid their body of toxins!
  • need motivation, inspiration, transformation, or a gentle PUSH so that they can become their authentic, powerful self!
  • need clarity, direction, focus, and next steps!
  • desire to have a step by step blueprint to monetize your ideas!
  • desire to live a life fully from their heart with no regrets!


Question: Dr.Toni, in What Way Are The Services That You Provide Different From Other Mentors in The Same Industry?

Response: These mind-shifting services that we provide come from a passion to stop people from hurting, being confused, feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. They are designed to dispell the myths and reveal truths that empower people to live balanced and more fulfilled lives! The desired goals are usually suppressed under faulty beliefs which have very deep roots. What we believe about ourselves flows through our business.  As New, Aspiring, or Current Entrepreneurs, whose desire is to grow a business that serves from an authentic, heart-centered place, the heart must be healed first because everything that we do and every decision that we make comes from the heart space.  Heart-centered Entrepreneurs create products and services from their experiences and the lessons that they've learned from them.  If the heart is not healed and still hurting, so is the business.  If the heart is wounded and confused, so is the business because what flows through the heart, also flows through the business and every other area of our lives.  When an Entrepreneur suffers from low self-esteem, doubt, and fear, they also struggle with creating products/services, pricing them appropriately, selling, and marketing them to their customers and clients. It then becomes easy to barter instead of profiting! The programs, products, and services provided by The Attractive Thinker, LLC, are uniquely designed with care and genuine concern to support Entrepreneurs in uprooting the faulty/sabotaging beliefs, planting new empowering, goal-oriented beleifs, and providing powerful tools for mindset maintenance! These revolutionary mindset tools support our clients in discovering and uprooting any blocks/barriers that they will encounter on their journey to success.  Yes, there are many other Mentoring Programs to choose from, but wouldn't you like to work with someone who...

  • can see beyond the obstacles that are holding you back?
  • takes the time to support you in overcoming these obstacles?
  • can support you in growing your mind, your life, your health, and your business?
  • can empower you with the tools necessary to do your own inner work?
  • show you how your experiences prepared you for being of service to your customers/clients?
  • can make sense of the madness in your life?
  • can direct you from the fork in the road to a more meaningful and fulfilling path?
  • can support you in discovering what your purpose and gifts are?
  • won't let you quit until you succeed?
  • has a unique set of vision skills to support you in seeing your path, goals, and blueprint more clearly?
  • believes in your success, dreams, and goals just as passionately as you do?
  • doesn't push a product or take you on as a client just because you're paying money?
  • consistently sees beyond what they are looking at so that they can consistently pull you forward?  

I've been a Break-the-Cycle Specialist and a student in the Wellness Industry and investing in knowledge, mentoring, and research for 30+ years! I have first hand experience on how the body can recover from illness with proper nutrition and how a persons life can change when they clear the clutter, develop their vision, and do the work to change the way that they see themselves and their life! I am a life-long learner and will forever be committed to researching and discovering ways to help my clients to see further than what they are looking at and to feel great while they are pursuing their dreams/goals! I am a graduate of the largest Nutrition School in our country! I over deliver and I look for ways to add value to your life because lack of vision and sickness and disease do not have to run it's course in your life! You can stop it in its tracks by applying the right information and giving your body what it needs! It does matter who you spend your time with because they influence and shape you and your decisions! I look forward to our work together!


Question: Dr.Toni, What Type Of Person Would Benefit The Most From Being Served by The Attractive Thinker Generation Global Movement?

Response: When they hear this message, Attractive Thinkers know that this message is for them because they begin to feel something that is rarely felt in the course of a day! This soul-stirring, spirit-freeing message is for a person who...

  • knows that they are chosen to carve a new generational path in their bloodline!
  • has vision and is proactive!
  • is ready to write their books!
  • is ready to start their business idea!
  • is ready to profit from their business!
  • knows that they are supposed to be playing a BIGGER GAME in their life!
  • is no longer comfortable with the things that used to bring comfort!
  • feels the urge, the push, the need to do something greater with their lives!
  • is ready to do whatever it takes to manifest their visions, dreams, and goals!
  • desires truth!
  • is creative and struggling to give birth to their ideas!
  • is ready and willing to change!
  • understands that excuses are not their friend, but are strategic obstacles designed to stop them from reaching their goals!
  • is teachable!
  • is self-driven!
  • will do it afraid!
  • follows through!
  • knows that their dreams are possible!


To support your transformation, we offer life-altering private and group coaching programs including:

Private Clarity Sessions

Private VIP Strategy Sessions

Private 6-12 Month Coaching Program

Think Attractively/Identity Shift Online Course


These mentoring programs are exactly what you've been looking for if you...

  • have been looking for a solution!
  • are coachable!
  • have a business or book idea that you're struggling to accomplish!
  • take a no-excuses approach to accomplishing your goals!
  • are a high achiever!
  • are a go-getter!
  • are self-motivated!
  • are ready for change!
  • at this point in your life/business are willing to do what it takes to make things happen!
  • know you're suppose to succeed!
  • know you're just one idea away from reaching your goal!
  • are someone who refuses to accept nothing less than what you believe that you can have!
  • are open to learning about and implementing new information!
  • are in search of an answer that produces your desired result!
  • are someone who is very much aware that you are living under a system that is designed to keep you sick and broke!

Ever hear good information, but wish you could take that information home and properly apply it? Ever attended a seminar or conference call and when the call ended you still had questions, you knew WHAT to do, but you didn't know HOW to do it nor did you know in WHAT ORDER to implement what you had learned? If you've answered "Yes!" to any of these questions, then The Instantly Implement: 12 Weeks to Your Entrepreneurial Transformation Group Program is for YOU! It's like having A-Coach-In-Your-Pocket!


Question: Dr. Toni, How Will I Benefit from Investing in The Attractive Thinker Generation Coaching Programs?

Response: I always share with Attractive Thinkers that "You" are your greatest investment! When you invest in yourself, the residual effects are multi-generational! You will...

  • shift From Sight to Vision and correct your perception!
  • receive clarity, direction, and next steps to accomplishing your goals!
  • receive a clear blueprint for writing your book and starting/monetizing your business!
  • see yourself in all of your potential!
  • receive organizational tools that reduce overwhelm and increase progress!
  • receive mindset tools that heal and grow your mind!
  • receive the structure for creating products/services in your business!
  • find the time to develop your dreams and goals!
  • develop the courage to focus on your dreams and goals until they manifest!
  • take your experiences and serve them to the world!
  • have more energy!
  • have more mental clarity and focus!
  • lose unwanted pounds!
  • be more hydrated!
  • have clearer skin!
  • be more clearer about your goals and how to achieve them!
  • be more knowledgeable about natural alternatives and their benefits!
  • have an extensive list of healthier food choices and how to prepare them!
  • be motivated and inspired to pursue and achieve your dreams!
  • understand the importance of fresh food versus packaged/processed dead foods!
  • be able to grow your own blood and stop a blood transfusion!
  • accomplish so much more with a Mentor than by pursuing your goals alone!
  • be able to bring balance in various areas of your life, while minimizing stress!


Question: Dr. Toni, How Do I Know That The Attractive Thinker Coaching Programs Will Work For Me?

Response: I tell new & aspiring entrepreneurs that if you were born on planet Earth and you have a body that you live in that has organs and a blood stream and you need food, water, and sunshine to live, then The Attractive Thinker Coaching Programs will work for you as you take action and IMPLEMENT each step! Taking action provokes change. Anyone can see results when they implement the necessary steps to do so and I am here to support you on your journey to wellness!

If you've made a non-negotiable decision to manifest your vision so that your children will know that it can be done, so that you can be FREE to live a fulfilled life, help those that you desire to help, travel and see this abundant world that we live in, take that dance class you've always wanted to take, open that restaurant that you've been dreaming of, pay your child's college tuition, take care of your parents, create an environment that changes your community, and leave here knowing that your mission was accomplished, then get your copy of The Attractive Thinker experience under "The Book" tab at the top of this page and elevate your life and business via the Think Attracively/Identity Shift online course!


Question: Dr. Toni, If I'm Not Financially Able To Start Working With You Right Now, How Can I Access Some Low or No Cost Resources?

Response: I totally understand! A good place to start is to go back to the homepage and place your contact information in the box at the top right side of the page. You'll receive valuable resources, support, clarity, and mental tools, that you can implement immediately! Another low cost resource that will inspire, motivate, and encourage you is my latest book, Don't Be Afraid: He's Preparing You! It is a must read and will shift your perception so that you begin to see your same old situation with a new set of eyes!  Each chapter keeps you looking to see what happens in the next one! Also, visit the tab above entitled "Store" and get your mind-altering Vision & Mindset Clarity Affirmation audio to begin preparing your mind for success! Take the Think Attractively/Identity Shift online course! Look on the Navigation Bar across the top of this site and click on "Mentoring Programs". My purpose is to always add value, so with implementation of these resources you can begin to see changes in your vision, your thinking, your energy level, and get clear on what your life's assignment truly is and how to accomplish!  You'll begin to Think Attractively, see life in a way that you've never seen it before, take quick action in your life and business, increase your mental clarity, focus, and energy so that you can maximize your time and your money!


Question: Dr. Toni, I Like Your Authenticity and Am Confident That The Attractive Thinker Mentoring Programs Will Help Me To Reach My Goals! How Can I Get Started Working With You?

Response: Click Here to book your complimentary "Get Unstuck" Coaching Session to see which program will support you in getting started quicker and seeing progress with your life & business goals!


New, Aspiring, and First-Generation Entrepreneur!!

 Click Here to Book Your Complimentary "Get Unstuck" Consultation for Private Coaching! 

Procrastination Still Paralyzing You and Keeping You Stuck?! Book Your Complimentary "Get Unstuck" Consultation Today! Don't Live in Confusion or Waste Anymore of Your Precious Time Trying to Figure Out How to Organize Your Business Ideas and Create Success! If You Don't Get Help Now, Then WHEN Will Your Dreams Become Your REAL Life? This session is for you if you're ready for support, yet not sure which Attractive Thinker program to choose! Dreams Aren't Just Something For You to Dream About! They Have the Potential to Materialize and Bless Your Life! No More Waiting! Your Dreams Are Actually Waiting On You! Get Clear TodayAttractive Thinker, Only You Can Carve This New Generational Path!


My Life's Work Is To Make Your Life Better! Remember, It's Not What You're Going Through, But How You're Viewing It! 

~Think, Attractively!