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 Dr. Toni Red Dress 

What's Dr. Toni Thinking...

Maybe You're Not Clear!

Great Day, Attractive Thinker!  It Is a Great Day to Be Alive!

The Attractive Thinker Office is open for Clarity Sessions! Hurry and get the date/time that's best for you! These spaces fill up fast!!  Maybe you're struggling to see how you are going to accomplish the goal that you have for your life/business! Maybe you can't see yourself with your completed book in your hand. Maybe your vision of starting your business is stuck in the fog. Maybe you desire to upgrade your life and step into a greater version of yourself but you can't see this greater version of you, clearly!

The Attractive Thinker, LLC exists to support you in overcoming the mental struggles that hinder your life and business success!

The lack of clarity can be just as overwhelming as driving in a fog. You don't see where you are going clearly. You have to slow down. Your visibility is so low that you can't run as fast as you desire to, so you have to settle for following what's in front of you. You may even have to pull over on the side of life and wait...

Until the fog clears...

How long have you been waiting, Attractive Thinker? The present moment that you are in right now is the only real moment in your life! If you're waiting for the right moment, guess what?! You're in it right now! Now is the time to shift your life! Now is the time to get clear, move forward, change, create, write, dance, paint, start your business, change your wardrobe, upgrade your image, market your songs, create your videos, build your tribe, sell your products and services, bake your cake and eat it too!!

Now is your time!!

If this message just woke you up and you feel it resonating deep inside of your belly, then I encourage you to get clear and get support today! Don't be afraid of change. Change means that you are growing! Change means that you have shifted from groping throughout life with low expectations to taking control of this incredible life that you've been given and creating more, experiencing more, doing more, having more, and being more than what you have become!

Are you feeling this?

We all get ONE life to live and we deserve to live it on our own terms! If you want to write, then write! If you want to sing, then sing! If you want your own business then open your own business!

Will it be challenging? Yes!! The challenge is not what you think though! Most people view challenges as hard, overwhelming, inconvenient, and painful.

Think about this for a moment.

Ever hear the phrase, "Challenges come to make you strong!" Hmmm...

Challenges... Come... to... Make... You... Strong!

So, challenges don't come because...

you don't deserve what you are seeking!
you aren't supposed to have what you desire!
that goal is not for you!
you aren't good enough!

As soon as you decide to go after what your heart desires, the challenge comes to help you become the person that you need to be, in order for you to attain AND maintain your goal once you reach it! Wow!

The YOU that you are now and the YOU that you will become after you accomplish your goal are 2 different people! The challenge makes you strong enough to become this greater, more accomplished version of yourself!

Can you see how this one perception shift can take you from foggy to clarity?! There are many shifts that need to take place in order to go from where you are to where you desire to be. It all begins with you! You really are in control of your life!

Then, check your email to secure the date/time of your session. Remember to forward your goals for the Clarity Session to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible!

During this session, you'll get clear on where you're going, where to start, which direction to go in, and what tools/resources to implement to expedite your process!

Don't worry about how long it has taken you to get started. Remember the only real moment in your life is the moment that you are in right now, while you are reading this email. All of the moments in your yesterday are gone and the moments in your tomorrow can be totally different as a result of booking your Clarity Session today!

Remember to text "@mindset" to 81010 to receive Mindset Shifts during your day to support you in staying focused, seeing more clearly, and thinking attractively!

I'll see you soon!

~Think Attractively!
Dr. Toni Hatton, Your Vision & Mindset Expert

 Stop Suffering 

Great Day, Attractive Thinker!  It Is a Great Day to Be Alive!

Most were taught that suffering was being in alignment. If there's no drama going on, then they aren't comfortable. Real alignment is bliss! Love, Joy, and Peace... When you align with what makes your heart sing, you unlock the endlessness of yourself and you enter into a whole new way of living, existing, and showing up in the world! Yes, FREEDOM to CHOOSE can be scary but submitting to a shoe that's 3 sizes too small is a lifetime of pure torture!!!

Do you ever wonder why it's taking so long to accomplish and start living your dream? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said, "Where is my life?" Attractive Thinker, you are not alone! I congratulate you for finding this article because this is your defining moment! Do you ever find yourself saying, "I am tired of this! This really gets on my nerves!" This is an indication that you have a strong attachment to not having what you desire.

Most people believe that suffering is alignment. They struggle to believe that they can live a happy, joyful, exciting life, full of new/fulfilling experiences! It's the belief system that is driving their lives. They believe that in this life you will have to suffer and they've become comfortable with creating/attracting a lifetime of suffering. This is far from the truth! Yes, we all face challenging situations in life, but they aren't designed to become a lifestyle! Challenges come to make us strong, support us in teaching us valuable lessons, and guiding us as to which path to take in life. When we are faced with the same repetitive challenges, we must assess to see if we are getting better, or not growing at all.

Truth is: It's your Divine Right to be happy! Since each day is a new day, we are supposed to bounce out of the bed with anticipation of creating new experiences for ourselves and being open to the possibilities of what this new day may bring! You are wired to have your needs met and your dreams fulfilled. This is why you become uncomfortable when your needs aren't met.

Why do you think that we have visions? They don't appear just to have something to smile secretly about. They are coming attractions that can be our realities when acted upon. If you can see it in your vision, you can create it in your life!

Attractive Thinker Assignment:

1. Make the decision to end the relationship with suffering and begin to develop a relationship with true bliss!

2. Fall in love with you and life again!

3. Pull out your childhood dreams, dust them off, and believe in them again!

4. Start putting your needs first and making you and your desires a priority!

5. Stop giving yourself away, by saying yes when you should be saying no!

Understand that "No" is a complete sentence that leaves the door open for the right person to say "Yes"!

When was the last time that you were truly happy? When was the last time you did something just for you? Are you aligned with your values/the things that bring you joy? I say to my clients all of the time, "We can lose a lot of things in this life, but if we lose ourselves, this is when we've lost everything!"

~Think Attractively!
Dr.Toni Hatton, Your Vision & Mindset Expert

Hindsight is 20/20 

Great Day, Attractive Thinker!  It Is a Great Day to Be Alive!

You really can't see where you are until you step away and look back! You've heard it said, "You can't see the picture if you're in the frame!" What do you need to step away from in order to see it clearly?  You know how when you're hanging a picture on the wall?  You make all of the adjustments and measurements. You have it just like you imagined it to be and then you step back to see if it's the way you want it to be..... if it's aligned right.  Most of the time, you have to make some adjustments because it's either too far over to the right or too far over to the left.  It may be hanging too low on one side or up too high on another.  

This is how we should access the things that we are building in life.  We build with the choices/decisions that we make.  We assess the decisions that we are about to make.  We weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the decision.  We get advice.  We listen to what our heart is saying, and then we take the leap.  We really can't see if it's the right decision to make until we make it.  It's then that we must step back, see the big picture, and make the necessary adjustments so that it looks exactly how we want it to look!  Step Back!  Take a Look!  Make Adjustments!

~Think Attractively!
Dr.Toni Hatton, Your Vision & Mindset Expert

Keep Knocking On The Door!

Great Day, Attractive Thinker!  It Is a Great Day to Be Alive!

Ever knocked on a door and no one came to the door? The first thing that comes to mind, especially if you know that someone is home, is to take a few steps back and begin to look for the familiar. You look to see if their car is outside. Then you look to see if you can see a shadow moving past a window. You may even listen closely to see if you hear movement or voices behind the closed door. Why? Maybe it's because something is telling you that someone must be home! Well, it's a good idea to use these same practices when knocking on the doors of "Life"! How many times have you knocked on the door called business, just to have no one answer? What about the door called dreams? It may appear to open and just as you step up to walk in, it slams right in your face! BAM! Oh, I've got one, how about the door called family or relationships? Just when you think you've got it together and everyone's happy, BAM! The door slams right in your face.

Well, how many times should one knock on the door before they walk away? The answer? Until it opens! You keep knocking, especially if you know what you're seeking is on the other side of that closed door! Ever heard the saying, "What you're seeking is also seeking YOU!"? Well, keep knocking. Doors have purposes in our lives. They keep some things in and other things out. Maybe the door you're knocking on right now will not open because it's actually keeping something out of your life that you cannot handle right now. OR, maybe, you're supposed to knock a little longer to develop your passion and prove that you are serious about wanting what's on the other side of that door. Alot of times we say we are ready, but as soon as we knock on that door and it doesn't open, we walk away thinking it will never open. There's a time for everything! Knock and it shall be opened unto you!

Matthew 7:7

Knock... Knock... It's There!

~Think Attractively!
Dr. Toni Hatton, Your Break-the-Cycle Specialist

Write Your Own Ending!

Great Day, Attractive Thinker!  It Is a Great Day to Be Alive!

Have you allowed life, family, friends to write how your story is going to end? Have you said these famous words too many times, "Ok! Yes! Sure! Not A Problem! I'll Take Care Of It Right Away!" Deep inside you long to live the life you dream of. Well, I encourage you to Write Your Own Ending! Get familiar with these two letters, NO! It's ok to say NO. How about, "I'm sorry, I'm not available!" or "I can appreciate the fact that you value my presence, but I'm not able to make it this time!"

Are you on your schedule? I mean, really. Do you set aside time to spend with you? Your wealth is in your thoughts. The longer you put off that most important meeting with yourself, the longer you put off your dreams! Have you already accomplished your purpose in the earth? Have you met everyone you desire to meet? Have you visited every place you'd like to see? Well, what is holding you back? You are the creator of your story! Write it BIG! Write it LOUD! Life is intended to be enjoyed! Don't let anything stop you from writing a powerful ending! Something magical happens when we begin to walk out the pages of our DYNAMIC story, other people around us begin to re-write their stories!

I look forward to reading you!

~Think Attractively!
Dr. Toni Hatton, Your Break-the-Cycle Specialist

Intentional Action!

Great Day, Attractive Thinker! It Is a Great Day To Be Alive!

We've all heard it said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Let's meditate on that for a minute! Think about everything you did today. Was it the same thing you did yesterday? ..at the same time you did it yesterday? Was it the same thing you did last week, last month, or even last year? Well, that may explain why everything looks and sounds the same, year in and year out! Intentional action is necessary in order for change to take place. Try doing one thing different in your day. Maybe you'll wake up an hour earlier just to meditate in the quietness of the morning to get clear direction and a plan for your day. Do you go through each day doing what you have to do, or what you really want to do? What's the first thing on your mind when you wake up? Is it what you have to do, or what you want to do? In order to create the life you always dreamed of, you have to take intentional action. Write down a plan. Until you write it down, you're not serious. One of the reasons people don't write their dreams/plans down, is because they don't fully believe that they can actually have them! So, that goes back to what I always say, your business only grows to the extent that you do! You dreams will only grow to the extent that you do. This calls for some soul searching. Ask yourself, what is holding me back from being my true, authentic self? The world is full of people living dormant, mundane lives. Life is a GIFT and is intended to be enjoyed! You feel good when someone gives you a gift. We were given the GIFT of LIFE! Enjoy it and live it to the fullest! Don't let NOTHING stop you from enjoying YOUR GIFT!

Back to writing down your dreams/goals... Once you write them down, something magical happens! You actually see what you've been carrying around in your head for years. You then begin to own them and see them as the TRUE you! I'm talking about good dreams. A dream is only worth achieving if it's intent is to bless others! Post them so that you can see them everyday. Say them out loud! Let your ears hear you say them until it gets in your spirit and you truly believe them. It's only when YOU believe them, that they begin to manifest! YOU are the captain of your ship. If you don't steer it in the right direction, you'll never reach your destination!

Now that you've renewed your thinking and truly believe, let the journey begin with intentional action everyday. Your quest is to introduce the current you to the authentic you!

Good morning YOU! Nice to meet YOU!

~Think Attractively!
Dr.Toni Hatton, Your Vision & Mindset Expert


Great Day, Attractive Thinker! It Is a Great Day to Be Alive!

As a result of reading books on positive thinking and leadership, going to Leadership seminars, and talking to effective leaders, I've come to the conclusion that fear is the number one hinderance to a person's success! I truly believe that your business only grows to the extent that you do! Wow, you mean all this time it was fear holding me back? Fear of what? Fear of being my authentic self. For years, while I was striving and surviving, life was secretly molding me into a person that I no longer recognize! Yes, it is true that when we fail to plan, we are planning to fail. But, how many people understand that life has a plan for you as well? The pressures of life shape you from the right. The past shapes you from the back. Your job, family, and friends may shape you from the left. Before you know it, you have conformed to an environment that does not allow you the freedom to grow and live the "YOU" you see in your dreams/visions!

So, what do you do now? Of course there are many factors that play a role in keeping us from living the lives we so often dream of. But let's start with the big one! Fear! Isaiah 419-10 states:

9You whom I [the Lord] have taken from the ends of the earth and have called from the corners of it, and said to you, You are My servant–I have chosen you and not cast you off [even though you are exiled].

10Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.

This is a good scripture to speak over your life everyday until you are fearlessly living an authetic life while being your authentic self! Make plans to do the things you dream of! That's the real you! I was thinking on the way home today, "What could I be doing if I had no fear?" Ask yourself, "What area of my life is hindered by fear?" It takes courage to step out of the life you've lived for so long and create the life you see in your minds eye! Take courage my friend! ...until we blog again. Remember, "Don't Be Afraid: He's Preparing You!"

~Think Attractively!
Dr.Toni Hatton, Your Break-the-Cycle Specialist


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Procrastination Still Paralyzing You and Keeping You Stuck?! Book Your Complimentary "Get Unstuck" Consultation Today! Don't Live in Confusion or Waste Anymore of Your Precious Time Trying to Figure Out How to Organize Your Business Ideas and Create Success! If You Don't Get Help Now, Then WHEN Will Your Dreams Become Your REAL Life? This session is for you if you're ready for support, yet not sure which Attractive Thinker program to choose! Dreams Aren't Just Something For You to Dream About! They Have the Potential to Materialize and Bless Your Life! No More Waiting! Your Dreams Are Actually Waiting On You! Get Clear TodayAttractive Thinker, Only You Can Carve This New Generational Path!


My Life's Work Is To Make Your Life Better! Remember, It's Not What You're Going Through, But How You're Viewing It! 

~Think, Attractively!