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Searching for a Results-Oriented, Transformational Speaker to help your audience buy into your VISION or develop their own?  In need of practical, achievable wellness information to enhance the lives of your audience so that they can detox, increase their energy, and create a lifestyle of wellness?  Get ready for Transformational Speaker, Dr.Toni Hatton, Your Vision & Mindset Expert! 

Click Here To  Shift Your Audience From Sight to Vision!

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Health TV on YouTube! 

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Calling All Creative, Passionate, Driven, Determined, Truth-Seekers, Visionaries, New, Aspiring, First-Generation Entrepreneurs & Wealth-Builders Who Can No Longer Function in Mediocrity and Are Ready to Answer the Call, Step Up, Get Clear, Get Support, Take Action, & Create the Burning Desires of their Heart!!
  Great Day, Attractive Thinker!
You've made it home! You're safe here! Welcome to The Attractive Thinker Generation Global Movement!
Dr. Toni Interacting with Guests at Tasting PartyThe Attractive Thinker Day Group Pix with T Shirts

Congratulations for making it to this page! I know you've had quite a journey but I want you to remember that everything that you've experienced this far in life has led you to this moment with you reading this message! Attractive Thinker, this is your defining moment! A defining moment is something out of the norm, something that causes an interruption in your day, captures your attention, and makes you stop and take notice. After you recognize it as something out of the ordinary, you begin to get closer, look harder, read more, and listen more deeply. Then you get a gut feeling! Chills come over your body! Something hits you on a deeper level that you haven't felt in a long time and then you're compelled to take action. I celebrate you Attractive Thinker, your life has just begun to shift to the next level!

An Attractive Thinker is a person with vision, who can "see beyond" what they are looking at and has the courage to focus on what they see until it manifests! It takes courage to focus on the unseen until it becomes your real reality because life doesn't stop happening just because you decided to change your life! Most entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs have reoccuring dreams, ideas, and desires. They have a lot of ideas, yet no idea how to get started. They're a leader in their circle. Everyone comes to them for solutions, yet they struggle to solve their own problems. They know that the dreams inside of them are real and although they can't figure out how to give birth to them in a way that's not overwhelming and confusing, they've decided to pursue their dreams on their own anyway, until they find the right connection/community and a coach that they can trust for direction in creating their life and business goals! They are authentic individuals, real, true, and can only connect with others who are the same. Attractive Thinkers get frustrated in environments where they cannot grow or where the conversation is too low! They're passionate and driven from the inside and no matter what their age, they continue to create and pursue their dreams!
Here at The Attractive Thinker, LLC, we use a wholistic approach to redefining your defining moments, reinventing yourself, and growing your life and business ideas via revolutionary mental tools that uproot faulty beliefs, upgrade the mindset, and steer your actions in the direction of your new life & business goals!   
When You're Supported, the Parts and Pieces Come Together and Your Business Sky-Rockets!
To support you with writing your book and creating your business ideas, we offer 3 private one-on-one coaching programs which include the 6-12 month Private Monthly Client Sessions, the 4 or 8 hour VIP Strategy Day, and the 30- minute Clarity Session! Our signature online course, Think Attractively/Identity Shift: The One Thing That Changes Everything will position you to attract opportunities, sponsorships, endorsements, clients, and customers instead of chasing them! This course will activate your hidden power and potential to discover and utilize gifts, talents, and skills that you never knew that you had! Taking this course will position you as the leader in your business and sky-rocket your confidence and business courage so that you stand as superior instead of inferior when marketing your business and selling your products and services to your customers and clients! You don't want to miss this key piece to your business success! Details are below!  


Our coaching programs are for you if you notice that you're:

Dr. Toni with Quote

  • believing in your dream and not believing in your dream!

  • starting to write your book and stopping before you even get started!

  • thinking that now is not the time to create the ideas that keep coming to your mind!

  • talking yourself into and out of taking action!

  • being diligent, and then procrastinating!

  • getting focused and then getting distracted!

  • working on your vision and leaving it incomplete on the shelf!

  • carving out time to focus on YOU, and then feeling guilty!

  • believing that you can create your ideas, then allowing doubt to choke your dreams!

  • knowing that you can have and thrive in your own business, yet self-sabotaging it at the same time!

  • getting excited about your life & business, then getting depressed!

  • receiving information, yet not sure how to implement it!

  • getting connected to coaches, programs, and support, and then disconnecting! 
  • working harder & not smarter! 

  • making progress in your business, then allowing the cares of life to stop you! 

  • feeling courageous, yet lack the courage to follow up with a client! 
  • desiring to make money in your business, yet afraid to charge what you're worth! 
  • having alot of solutions for the marketplace, yet struggle with how to organize them and package them! 

  • supporting others, yet lacking support for yourself! 

  • knowing that you are an entrepreneur, yet struggle to believe that you can be successful in business!
  • being ready to redesign your life, yet afraid of change!
  • ready to take action, yet don't know where to start!
  • feeling inadequate, not sure, & lacking confidence!
  • repetitively attracting people, places, & things that aren't aligned with your values!
  • pouring all of your energy in areas that don't give you a return!
  • making decisions that keep you right where you are!
  • feeling guilty about having big dreams & the desire to carve a new path!
  • feeling like you can reinvent yourself, then feeling unworthy and not good enough!
  • having clarity of vision, then shifting back to low vision, distorted vision, & cloudy vision!
Get Ready for a Total Mind, Body, and Soul Makeover via

The Attractive Thinker Generation Private & Group Coaching Programs!  

Which Program is Best for You?

What makes our mentoring programs so unique is that we support you with overcoming the mental barriers in the areas of your life, your health, and your business so that you can reach your goals and have the mental capacity to maintain them as you build your business as a successful entrepreneur! Do you realize that in order to enjoy the authentic life that you are creating and serve your gifts to the world, you must be healthy both mentally and physically? It takes energy to be successful at any goal in life! How can you complete your life's work with headaches, poor digestion, obesity, diabetes, the constant concern and worry that comes with high blood pressure, low self-esteem, procrastination, lack of clarity, etc. It's impossible! Eventually, the body will speak louder to get your attention, expressing its dis-ease. Too often we've lost very successful business owners who truly changed the world by contributing their gifts, inventions, and ideas, yet the internal, physical body wasn't positioned to sustain the external success! This is the number one reason why we share vision resources with wellness clients and wellness resources with vision clients. We realized that our vision clients who needed business strategies and solutions, were also struggling with health issues that were affecting their business progress! Our wellness clients had to first begin working on their core belief system and their mindset before we could talk about fruits and vegetables! Lol! It's difficult to master one without the other! Vision and wellness go together like faith and works! One without the other is dead! The Private Client, VIP Strategy Day, and the Clarity Session are 3 ways to invest in one-on-one coaching to support you in getting unstuck, getting clear, and getting out of your own way so that you put an end to the procrastination, the guilt of not moving forward, and the lack of clarity! The Think Attractively/Identity Shift: The One Thing That Changes Everything is our signature online course that supports you in ending the struggle with aligning your actions with what you know needs to be done in order to create a business that succeeds and exceeds your goals! I look forward to supporting you in redefining, reinventing, and carving a new path of life and business success!

Option #1 Private One-on-One 6-12 Month Coaching Sessions

The Attractive Thinker Private Coaching Programs banner
The Attractive Thinker Generation Coaching Programs are specialized for clients who are action-takers and make no excuses for what they want for their life and business! They are clear that one-on-one support will get their business up and running faster! They're ready for change in their life & business and need individualized, customized tools for specific barriers!


Option #2 Private One-on-One Full or Half-Day Coaching Session

The Attractive Thinker Private VIP Strategy Session

The Attractive Thinker Private VIP Strategy Session Program banner

  VIP Strategy Day Raving Fan
Your Book Matters! Write It or Be Written!


VIP Strategy Day Raving Fan
Your Idea is Unique! Take the Time to Customize Your Success!

 "It's Not What You're Going Through, But How You're Viewing It!"

I had the privilege of having a VIP Strategy Day with Dr. Toni Hatton and it was an amazing transformational day! I showed up to this meeting mentally weighed down, emotionally depleted and with the weight of the world on my shoulders I felt physically exhausted. I almost canceled this meeting but, I knew that this was something I needed to do for me, so I pushed. I knew that I needed to be around another powerful being that I knew would ignite a fire that was being snuffed out by life's circumstances. I showed up to this meeting trying to hide my pain behind a smile but, Dr. Toni saw right through it and she began to ask the right questions. She let me know that this was a safe place and that I wasn't alone nor did I have to continue to go through this by myself. So I felt completely comfortable to put all of my cards on the table. She did not judge me. She let me know that she understood and that none of what I was going through disqualified my ability to be purposely powerful. She quickly reminded me of my purpose and how powerful I was as a woman and that giving up was not an option. She helped me to look past the pain and see the purpose behind what I was going through. She always says, "You've gotta see beyond what you are looking at!" My question to her was, "How else am I supposed to look at this?" That's when the transformation really started to take place. She began to show me that the very thing that I felt was drowning and destroying me was there to push me forward otherwise, I would've stayed comfortable in the misery that was there way before any of this had taken place. She reminded me that we were meant to be happy and peaceful and designed to be loved, cherished, and powerful. It's like she gave me that 1 piece of the puzzle that helped to put all of the other pieces in their place and I can now see the work of God that has been taking place the entire time. I knew at THAT moment that a shift happened! Once I recognized what was going on, I became hopeful and thankful that the very thing that I thought was my biggest issue, actually gave me a solid ground to walk on! I'm sure that she could see the lightbulbs come on in my head as my face began to change from a look of despair and desperation to a look of hope and determination! I left the meeting excited with new steps in place. Honestly I did not want to leave her. I left with my fire lit and my lights turned on. I left with new ideas and a great sense of hope that I hadn't had in a long time. This was truly a healing meeting for me and I'll never forget it. It is so worth it to invest your time, wealth, and gifts into yourself so that you can show up in the world as the powerful being you are created to be and change lives. This VIP Strategy Session changed my decisions, my vision, and my life. Thank you so much Dr. Toni for your strength and for being a living example of greatness and power. The world needs you!

~A Very Grateful Attractive Thinker 


Private VIP Strategy Day Details

  • 5-hour/half-day OR 9-hour full day/"VIRTUAL" Life-Altering Strategy Session with Dr. Toni to get clear, get direction, get focused, and to map out the next steps for your unique vision
  • 1-30 minute follow up call to ensure progress, answer questions, and to overcome any obstacles that you may encounter as you begin to take action towards your goals

During your Private VIP Strategy Day, you'll get clear on your specific goals, discover what you already have that will help you to reach your goals quicker, receive Vision & Mindset resources to support you in overcoming mindset obstacles after the sessions, map out a strategy & set dates of completion for your goals, and develop a daily plan so that you'll know exactly what to do and when!

That Thing Inside of You That Won't Let You Rest & Keeps Telling You That You Can Accomplish So Much More...  It's Your Soul! Your Dreams, Ideas, & Desires are Calling You!

 Click Here to Submit Your Private VIP Strategy Session Client Request!

Option #3 Private One-on-One 30-Minute Strategic Coaching Session
The Attractive Thinker Private Clarity Session
 The Attractive Thinker Private Clarity Session banner
Have you ever driven in a fog?  The first response is to squint so that you can see more clearly!  Then you feel the need to slow down and hesitation sets in because you are not sure as to what's up ahead!  This is the same response that affects New & Aspiring Entrepreneurs when pursuing their business ideas! When the vision is not clear, it becomes extremely difficult to take action in that direction! Let's see what Attractive Thinker Kym has to say as a result of her Strategic Clarity Session:
"Hello Dr. Toni, Attractive Thinker Kymberly P Jones Pic Clarity Session
It really was such an amazing experience that I want to share a thought of appreciation for your time during our session.  Thank you for helping me to prepare for one of the greatest opportunities of my life! I recently was invited to promote my business during a radio interview. It is literally an opportunity of a lifetime for any new business! As a conversationalist, I thrive, but as a public speaker I am not as confident. You were highly recommended to me originally as a biographer. It was not until I was directed to set my appointment through your website that I learned how many other services are available to an aspiring entrepreneur (who has been happily converted to the tribe of Attractive Thinkers). I scheduled my first free consultation and I was immediately blown away at how well you were able to help me identify where I was and help me to formulate in words my next best move! BRILLIANT! As the conversation flowed, I flowed, and together we flowed. My creative energy was stimulated by the questions that you asked and how well you as a like-minded professional skillfully detailed how my interview preparation should be managed, prepared, rehearsed and performed.

The original objective to develop a biography for the radio announcement was fulfilled but I got so much more. I learned more about myself and how I want to personify business to my clients and the world. This meeting was the preview to many more scheduled sessions for more goal setting, fear-conquering, and Attractive Thinking! Many thanks and until we meet again..."

~KP Jones
KPatrice Financial, LLC.

Here's what Attractive Thinker M. P. has to say:
"Before my Private Clarity Session, I had no real direction nor did I know where to begin to start a new business. So, I invested in myself via Dr. Toni Hatton's coaching programs. During the session, Dr. Toni asked pertinent questions that made me think. She eloquently tapped into my inner self without being invasive on my personal life. That truly inspired me! After my session, I actually took a good look in the mirror at myself and realized that I was holding back on me. I had to think out-of-the-box, set personal goals, and dream again! I'd recommend Dr. Toni if you have any thoughts, ideas or plans for your life whether it be business or a new lifestyle change for personal growth! Dr. Toni is the answer! She has a way of uniquely coming up with ideas that make you think! She inspires you in such a nurturing way that you suddenly find yourself shifting the way that you see things. She makes you realize that you had it all along and that it just needed to be exposed and released! Keep your options open! Go for the gold! Most importantly go for YOU! I urge you to connect with Dr. Toni, even if you have the slightest thought of uncertainty and have NO idea where to begin. Dr. Toni Hatton is the answer! Don't block yourself from your greater self!"


 Guests Celebrating at Tasting PartyTasting Elegance Guests

“Dr. Toni Hatton is phenomenal! She is one of the most considerate and thought provoking individuals of our time.  She has a real genuine passion for helping others. It’s exemplified through her workshops and audio programs. This project is sure to deposit nuggets that will last you a lifetime!”


~Respectfully, Deborah Hardnett
Big Thinkers Academy


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Enroll in the Think Attractively/Identity Shift Online Course Today!
... the ONE Thing that Changes Everything!



 Why Do New, Aspiring, & First-Generation Entrepreneurs Struggle?

As an Entrepreneur, there are a lot of ideas and goals that need to be accomplished! Products have to be created, services must be provided, and customers and clients need to be served! When pursuing new goals, the mind must also be aligned with the goal in order for it to be accomplished. The mind is currently "set" to the current status of the business. When the conscious desire is to reach a new goal, the subconscious mind must be informed! Everyone has 2 minds: a conscious mind (This is the mind that you use everyday to get you through your day.) and a subconscious mind (This is where your core beliefs, true feelings, and emotions are.) When these 2 minds are not aligned, it presents a struggle. This struggle appears as a starting and stopping motion. Imagine seeing a car proceed down the street jerking back and forth, starting and stopping. This is what takes place in the mind as well when you're shifting between thoughts of "I can do this!" and "I can't do this!" It's like attempting to take action on your new ideas and goals, yet actually being jolted back to reality by your old beliefs, behaviours, and buried emotions. The conscious mind attempts to move forward on the goals that you have for your business, yet because the subconscious mind is not engaged in the process, it pulls you right back to where you used to be. Imagine getting dressed to go on a family vacation. You walk out of the front door to load up the car and you turn around and your family is still in pajamas, simply lounging around in the living room. You're moving forward, but they didn't get the memo!

In order to end the entrepreneurial struggle, the subconscious mind must be informed of your new goals. These new goals must become your new beliefs in order for them to become your new reality! There is a way to imprint your new goals into your subconscious mind and create new behaviours that support your goals!

Your Attractive Thinker Assignment:

  • Create a Vision Board with Your New Business Goals! 
  • Create a Set of Empowering Affirmations that Support Your Goals! 
  • Meditate and Visualize Your Goals at Least 3 Times a Day! 
  • Speak Your Goals with Boldness and Confidence Daily!
  • Take Action on Your Goals!

With daily repetition of these practices, you'll reach your goal in record time! You'll begin to spot opportunities that will help you to accomplish your goal. Unexpectedly, people will show up that have the exact resource that you need to accomplish your goal. You'll receive ideas that will expedite your goal and take you further/faster! Consistency is key!

~Think, Attractively!


 The Attractive Thinker Generation Private/Group Coaching Programs are for New, Aspiring, First-Generation Entrepreneurs, and Dreamers Who:

  • see beyond the daily chores, responsibilities, bills, cooking, cleaning, TV, movies, constant eating, and running to home, school, work, church, home, school, work, & church!
  • are bored with doing the same thing the same way, everyday!
  • know that there has to be another meaning/purpose to what they are supposed to be doing with their lives!
  • see opportunities within challenges!
  • don't take "no" for an answer!
  • go after what they want!
  • desire to have no regrets at the end of their life!
  • are tired of not reaching their goals!
  • are tired of talking about what they want to do and not getting it done!
  • are tired of believing and not receiving what they pray for!
  • are tired of doing without!
  • are tired of suppressing their desires and dumbing down their dreams!
  • like to shake things up!
  • know that they can accomplish so much more!
  • are determined to make their lives count!
  • aren't comfortable with unproductive conversations!
  • don't fit comfort zones, boxes, systems, opinions, routines, and being average!
  • are hungry, determined, on fire, passionate, driven, uncomfortable with bland, vanilla, and blah, blah, blah!
  • are always helping, teaching, educating, encouraging, and sharing wisdom and solutions with others!

... and Desire To:

  • overcome their mental blocks!
  • heal from their past and painful experiences!
  • start their own business!
  • write the books that they've been putting off!
  • carve a new generational path for themselves and their family!
  • upgrade their lives!
  • reinvent themselves!
  • think bigger!
  • think better!
  • create a life that excites them!
  • be a solution to others!


Dr. Toni, How Do I Know That This Is My Time to Create My Business Idea?

Do you...

  • constantly see visions, images, and glimpses of your true potential, but aren't sure how to possess it?
  • find it hard to find like-minded people that are pursuing their dreams and are just as passionate about helping you to pursue yours?
  • need support, but don’t know who to turn to?
  • keep starting and stopping and starting and stopping, and end up self-sabotaging your own efforts?
  • believe in your heart that you must do something different with your life, but you don't know what to do?
  • find yourself pacing the floor at 3 AM, praying for an answer?
  • feel determined that this year will not be a carbon copy of last year? 

     If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the right time, you're in the right place, and The Attractive Thinker Coaching Programs are for YOU! It's time to get those visions and goals out of your head and into your life! You know that you are destined to do great things and to make a difference in the world! You know deep inside of your heart that if you do nothing different, nothing will change in your life! Your dream is too big for you to pursue it alone! End the stress and frustration and become a part of The Attractive Thinker Generation global movement so that you can finally manifest your vision with the necessary tools, resources, accountability, support, and action steps that guarantee your success! 

       A famous book says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick!"  When you have unfulfilled dreams and goals and you try to share them with people in your circle of influence, you may or may not get the support that you need to move forward on your goals.  If every New Year's you have the same resolutions and they never get resolved, a part of you loses hope on the inside.  When support is not in place, you begin to think that the dream is not worth pursing.  You begin to doubt the dream.  ... and it fades away into the background of your life! ... or you begin to think that there is something wrong with you because you just can't "see" how it is going to happen.  There is nothing wrong with you Attractive Thinker! Your dreams and goals are real and it's time for you to take them from your head to your hand!  

"One must be able to see beyond where they currently are in order to pursue and accomplish any goal that they may have in life!" 
~Think Attractively!  

If you are tired of ...

  • starting and stopping!
  • talking yourself into and out of the thing you desire!
  • knowing that you can do better yet settling for less!
  • knowing there has to be so much more to life than this routine and just existing!
  • being lost, scattered, and all over the place!
  • feeling like it's time for a change, yet don't know how to make that change!

... and you

  • need clarity on what you want and how to accomplish it!
  • are not sure how to make your dreams and goals your reality!
  • think differently, yet struggle to find like-minded people!
  • are all over the place and need structure and order!
  • lack motivation to do what you know must be done!
  • have given yourself away piece by piece!
  • no longer recognize yourself or the life you're living!
  • are stressed out, not eating properly, and need a plan to get it all done!
  • need to believe in yourself again!
  • need confidence, mentoring, accountability, and support!
  • need organizational and time management skills!
  • struggle with self-sabotage and limiting beliefs!
  • are depressed most of the time, but know you are called to do great things!
  • need a plan for implementation and tools that keep you focused!
  • need a positive environment in which to plant and grow your vision!
  • are now ready to do what it takes to develop yourself and your vision!

...then take the next step and connect!

Write Your Book & Start Your Business Quicker!! Click Here & Invest in Private Coaching!


Get Ready for Next Level Thinking, Next Level Living, and Next Level Success!! 
It's TimeTo...
  • get real results!
  • live a happier, healthier, more meaningful life!
  • create a life full of what you love to do!
  • be here for your children!
  • accomplish something you’ve never done before!
  • create a generational legacy!


Dr Toni TeachingAs an Identity Coach & Break-the-Cycle Specialist, I shine the light in places that appear to be dark and suppressed so that new, aspiring, and current entrepreneurs can discover the sunken treasure that they left behind!  So many times we run out of our situations, glad that it's over, but empty because we left our life lessons and gifts in our journey!  I clearly understand that in order to pursue any goal in life, one must be able to see it clearly! You will  move hesitantly towards what you cannot clearly see. This is why most people start and stop and go throughout life with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. Visibility is poor, vision is not clear, and there are no supports in place. Vision is the ability to see beyond what you are looking at! If all you see is bills, spouse, job, chores, and the busyness of life, how can you manifest the things that are not seen, like your heart-felt ideas?  How far can you really see? Is it a challenge or an opportunity?  Can you see yourself living your dream? Can you see yourself financially free?  Can you see yourself creating a more meaningful and fulfilling life? Do you even believe that you deserve to be your authentic self and create things that reflect your value system? Do you have the same goals year in and year out? Do you have anyone who pushes you, stretches you, encourages, and inspires you to be, do, and have all that your heart desires?  Do you have people in your circle that support you in bringing your dream into reality? As a result of my personal journey, I've discovered two things that Attractive Thinkers are missing in their lives:  support from a Vision Expert and support from a Positive Circle of Influence. With these two supports, you can go further, faster! But wait! What good is it to accomplish your vision goals just to wake up every morning with that nagging headache and struggle to figure out how you're going to balance your blood pressure and your blood sugar! Vision and Wellness go together like Faith and Works! One without the other is dead!

Tasting Party Guests in BallroomTasting Party GuestsDr. Toni Teaching

It's easy to drop the ball when life happens yet, more progress is made when you have the proper perspective of your circumstance, the right mindset, a positive circle of influence, and a coach that supports you in keeping your cup full so that your customers and clients receive from your overflow and not your supply!

Take a deep breath Attractive Thinker! You know that you are ready! You know that you must “do something different" in order to accomplish your goals! You also know that if you do nothing, next year this time your life will look exactly as it does right now! Now that you are ready to do whatever it takes to develop yourself and your vision and shift from repetitive goals to repeated success...


Click the Link Below to Schedule Your Complimentary "Get Unstuck" Coaching Session!    

Dream Celebration Group Affirmation Dream Celebration Writing ActivityDream Celebration Group Pic
Congrats, Attractive Thinker!
I'll see you soon!!


New, Aspiring, and First-Generation Entrepreneur!!

 Click Here to Book Your Complimentary "Get Unstuck" Consultation for Private Coaching! 

Procrastination Still Paralyzing You and Keeping You Stuck?! Book Your Complimentary "Get Unstuck" Consultation Today! Don't Live in Confusion or Waste Anymore of Your Precious Time Trying to Figure Out How to Organize Your Business Ideas and Create Success! If You Don't Get Help Now, Then WHEN Will Your Dreams Become Your REAL Life? This session is for you if you're ready for support, yet not sure which Attractive Thinker program to choose! Dreams Aren't Just Something For You to Dream About! They Have the Potential to Materialize and Bless Your Life! No More Waiting! Your Dreams Are Actually Waiting On You! Get Clear TodayAttractive Thinker, Only You Can Carve This New Generational Path!


My Life's Work Is To Make Your Life Better! Remember, It's Not What You're Going Through, But How You're Viewing It! 

~Think, Attractively!